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February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

For me Valentine's Day was just another Thursday. I have never been one to get all sappy over Vday. It's just an over commercialized holiday and I don't need one day out of the year to know I am loved. I get that all year as it is!
My hubbs and I really don't do much for Valentine's Day but we do try to make it special for nut-nut but this year it was pretty much just me and her. The hubbs had to work all day and then go to school that evening.
I figured while he was at school we would have some fun in the kitchen and make heart shaped pizza. I knew she would love making the pizza because she missed her field trip to Pizza Hut when she was sick. She had an absolute blast making the pizza
Even though I didn't get to spend much time with the hubbs I still had the best little Valentine ever! 

  I'm also featured in a Sponsor Spotlight over at Carolina Fireflies
Go check out Kristyn's blog and show her some love! She is sweet as can be and I adore her blog. 


  1. This is great! We aren't huge vday folks either. My 4 year old was excited because they are talking about it in prek.

    But overall it's just a candy holiday for us haha.

    LOVE the pizza!

  2. Those pizzas turned out awesome! She has the best picture smile. :)

  3. JESSICA!!! Jayla is seriously just too cute for words!!

  4. new follower!your daughter is adorable & how cute are the heart pizzas!
